August 26th 2016: And We’re Off!

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While the Olympians have just finished showcasing their hard work to the world, so too have we completed Olympic-style preparation for this trip-of-a lifetime. 13 countries in 87 days.

  1. Sweden
  2. Greece
  3. Israel
  4. Jordan
  5. India
  6. Nepal
  7. Vietnam
  8. Cambodia
  9. Thailand
  10. Laos
  11. Singapore
  12. Austrailia
  13. Fiji

We pray that our arduous weeks of planning will pay dividends in terms of smooth(er) trails and a happy couple. Now it’s time for the performance — on August 26th our adventures begin. We are off to our first destination, Stockholm, where we have a short 2-day stop over on our way to Greece. Here we go! Thanks for joining our odyssey.

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